Wednesday 5 December 2012


Do not get fooled by her beauty for which it is in contrast to her character.
Rescued a human from death. Worst mistake as her secret of who she is, is then revealed.


  1. grammar and sense - neither are clear. Please re-write.

    No evidence of any work since 5th December which implies that you are breaking the terms of your license to stay in the class. I also haven't seen any evidence of your catching up your preliminary exercise. Please speak to me regarding deadlines and progress.


    Zohal, though you have clearly been making some efforts to attend, contribute and do some of the work asked for there is not yet a sense of the consistency and dedication required to succeed and if you are to achieve anything like your target grade you will need to ensure that ALL work is completed by the deadlines set, uploaded on the blog and reflected on. If this means coming in outside of lesson times, then you MUST do this to ensure that you make the progress.
